Sunday, February 26, 2012

Las Vegas, 2/16/12

Sorry, haven't posted in a long time, things have been pretty hectic for last week and a half or so. I'm ready to get caught up now, so I will start with Vegas.

Now this may sound stupid, but when I got to Vegas and saw a million people taking a picture of the same thing, I decided to leave my camera put away and just enjoy the scenery in person. I realize this isn't too good for my blog, but honestly people, just Google Vegas and you will see a million pictures, I doubt the lighting changed much while I was there :)

That being said, I will also not state what casinos I visited. Vegas is a tourist trap. It's like a polite highway robber. I'm not just saying this because I lost some $, but because i really feel that way about it. My advice to you is this: Go to Vegas, enjoy the sights, the shows, whatever for a day. Then (if you want to gamble), take whatever money you are willing to LOSE, and place ALL OF IT on black/red/even/odd/etc on the roulette wheel, and let it ride. You have about a 48% chance of doubling your money, that's about as good of odds as you can get out there...

Overall though I had a good experience. I played in three poker tourneys, the first of which I placed 9 of 24, which is not bad for my first tourney ever! On the others I didn't do as well, but there were definitely less players to begin with and I did take a few people out on those tables. Other than that I played roulette, which is where I lost the least money, and slots where I lost the most. I'm glad I went to Vegas and tried my luck! :D Better to have tried and failed than to never have tried at all!

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