Sunday, February 26, 2012

CALIFORNIA!!!! Week 1, 2/17-24/12


My first night in LA was VERY stressful. It was kinda my fault tho. LA is such a huge place that I had no idea where to start. A friend of mine from Miami put me in touch with a friend of his that moved out here about 9 months ago from Miami, so I figured it would be a good stop to get my bearings. It actually ended up being more of a distraction, and since I had a lot of things in my car and hadn't yet settled in it caused me some stress. Lesson learned, settle in first before going out to meet new people! I ended up getting a hotel for the night, and crashing.

My second day (Saturday 2/18/12) was uneventful, switched hotels to a slightly cheaper one, really began my search for a room. Went to go see a place in Riverside. It seems good location-wise on a map, but in reality it is WAY out there. Besides that though it is a very nice room, in a very nice house, in a very nice neighborhood. Only nowhere to eat nearby, and likely TOO FAR from any real job opportunities. The guy was pretty strict too in his screenings, so I was very pleased to hear that I passed his strict requirements.

On Sunday I finally got in touch with some extended family that lives out here, and we met for lunch in Orange City and later visited Laguna Beach. Again, I didn't take too many pictures... sorry.

 The hotels in LA are pretty expensive compared to Vegas and Flagstaff, so this created a sense of urgency when it came to finding a place to stay. Ultimately tho, I had to find a balance between what was immediately available and what was a best fit for me. I actually passed on the first two places that I was accepted at, one due to location, and the other because it was a lil expensive, not that nice, and the lady was starting to act sketchy. I finally settled in Whittier on Wednesday, where I got a nice room for a nice price, with decent, friendly people, after prolonging my search for two nights AFTER my first two acceptances. In total, I spent 5 nights in hotels.

This whole crazy ordeal was why I hadn't posted in a while.

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